Sunday, August 06, 2006

On a personal note....

Elza S. Maalouf
Well, this tragedy managed to get to me and I woke up yesterday with a burning fever.
Since this war started, I promised myself to keep my emotions in check and do my best to be proactive spiritually, mentally and emotionally. But I guess the death of innocent people and the sadness that my fellow compatriots are feeling can touch the essence of the soul...

When Iraq's war started, my Iraqi friends living in the US, said that they were guilt ridden. Living in a 'normal' country and being able to buy food and play with their children felt too extravagant to them, when their cousins and friends in Iraq were struggling to survive.

Now, I can relate...and I did relate before, everytime we had to pack and flee Beirut for few days during the civil war. It almost felt better when we stayed in shelters with our families and friends.

Every day I talk to family and friends in Lebanon, and I hear the echoes of despair and disappointment with the world...Lebanon is after all a scapegoat and a proxy battleground...


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