Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Arabs Awakening? Thank you Iran!

Elza S. Maalouf
What Israel was not capable of doing, Iran did.

The Arabs are united in their support of the Lebanese government and are pulling their weight at the UN as a true partner of major international players and not as a humiliated subordinate.

The true dance has begun...The West has been taking positive steps and faux-pas towards the Arabs, and the Arab world always responded in 2 paradoxical ways: either radical opposition to anything from the West or a sort of submission by some Arab governments against their citizen's will. The Lebanese tragedy helped the Arabs take a proactive step towards the West, asserting their existence and cultural unity for a positive cause. This could have been sparked for many reasons, including:
  • The fear of public opinion within their own countries and to avoid the birth of a Hezbollah style opposition within their own land. The Arab regimes are holding on to their power and they don't want to tip the fragile balance.
  • The danger of Iran confiscating 'the Arab cause' against Israel. Since Iran rushed to support Hamas and teamed up with Syria in its support to Hezbollah. In becoming the Godfather of 'the cause' Iran pulled the rug from under the Arab leaders’ feet.
  • A desire by some Arab leaders to break free from the old paradigm of constant conflict in the region and focus more on building their own countries’ economy and the development of their infrastructure.

Well, I am not going to break into the traditional Arab chant 'oulouloul' that we Arabs scream in weddings and celebration...I will hold my breath for now and hope for the best and for better days for my homeland.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elza, I wonder what will happen if Iran is brought to the negotiation table and (hypothetically) signs a peace agreement with Israel after accepting a trade agreement with the West and stops the pursuit of nuclear weapons. Iran is a new foe to Israel and the two don't have the bloody history that Israel has with its Arab neighbors.

I have no doubt in my mind that the status qou with the Arab-Israeli relations will remain, and might even get more polarized. It seems to me that there is an unsopken status quo with the oil-rich Arab states of not wanting to "rock the boat", and as long as the actual killing and distruction takes place far away, ie Lebanon and the territories, they will throw money at it and continue to look the other way.

8/10/2006 8:53 AM  

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